Exlusive Founder's Edition - Available for Download NOW on All EBook Platforms
Project 2025 A Closer Look is an objective analysis of one of our nation's most misunderstood mandates for leadership. In this work, Derrick gives a fair and factual assessment of Project 2025 Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise. Derrick seeks to dispel myths and fears many have with this governmental and leadership mandate, as well as provide the challenges and opportunities that can be creatively and innovatively embarked upon by all who are committed to being partakers of a better humanity as well as those who are committed to helping restore our country spiritually as One Nation Under God. Because this mandate proposes to also be founded on Christian ethics, Derrick, a Christian and Pastor also provides "A Closer Look" at this mandate from a Christian perspective.
1. "I Had No Choice"
2. "It Is What It Is"
3. "I'm Black, and I'm Proud"
4. Project 2025? Or Ronald Reagan?
5. President Trump? Or Project 2025?
6. Project 2025 and Civil Rights
7. Benefits? Or Dependencies?
BONUS CHAPTER 8. A Hill Called Calvary? Or Capitol Hill?